Kummenchery steels have been Kerala's leading steel trader, since 1995.
Kummenchery Steels started as a retail outlet by Mr. Kunju Muhammad and was promoted by Mr. K K Mahin (Managing Partner) as
one of the fastest growing business concerns. We have associated with
the house of TATA STEEL LTD since 2000.
We pride on our Service centre certified by TATA steel LTD which is
sophisticatedly equipped with a crane capacity of 30mt and 10mt and 5mt
and also 2 CTL (Cut to Length) line having a Processing capacity of 4,000mt /month,
lengths up to 3000mm and also facilitate vast area for storage and handling of materials offers
instant access to steel of any size, cut and ready fast!
Guided by our focus on quality, dependability, and dedication to service,
we will constantly strive to accurately deliver products that will meet or exceed customer expectations.
111/315A, Refinery Road, Irumpanam, Tripunithura,
Kochi - 682 309
Email: sales@kummencherysteels.com (for Sales query)
Email: admin@kummencherysteels.com (for Other queries)
Phone: 0484 2778889, 2778890 | 9947850302, 9947809400
Web: www.kummencherysteels.com